Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Hello People!

I'm not so sure if any of you still visit this blog. And for those who does, and waiting for updates, we're very sorry for the lack of updates. I guess we're busy with work and are now just focusing on facebook! *Blame facebook for the lack of updates. Hehe*

Anyways, since we didn't update much on this blog, I would like to inform all of you that we might be taking a break from blogging for now. Til when? We're not sure. We would not delete this blog because we loved it! So, we'll just leave it here in the cyber world! =) InsyAllah, we'll be back one day..

See you..... and take care =)

1 Reaksi:

Jangan lupa tinggalkan Komentar anda. Kritik dan Saran Pedas anda sangat membantu dalam pengembangan blog ini, tetapi Komentar kasar, rasis, dan penghinaan tidak akan diloloskan,jika berkenan follow blog saya juga ya..